Divemaster Academic Training

Start your Divemaster Training by registering for this course. This course includes the PADI Divemaster eLearning course and the PADI Divemaster Crew-pak.

Availability: In Stock

Divemaster Academic Training includes completing the PADI Divemaster eLearning course. This online training is completed independently and takes most candidates around 20 hours.

When to Register

Academic training is provided through the PADI Divemaster eLearning course. Divemaster candidates can register for Academic Training at either of two points:

  1. At the start of the program.
    The benefit of registering for Divemaster Academic Training at the start of the program is that you begin your eLearning course immediately. This allows you to view the PADI videos on dive skills and obtain the Divemaster Slates you will need for the course. However, we cannot return the course or crew-pak to you once you redeem your code. You cannot get your money back if you do not pass your physical or Water Skills Assessment.
  2. Immediately following the successful completion of the Water Skills Assessment.
    Your training advisor will ask you to register for academic training as soon as you complete the Water Skills Assessment. You must complete your academic training before moving to Divemaster Practical Skills or Divemaster Conducted Programs.


  • Aquatic Adventures Divemaster Orientation Meeting

Time Commitment

  • ~20 hours PADI eLearning
  • 90-minute classroom


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